
BRAIN Initiative Alliance Tools, Tech, Theory, and Trainee Series in collaboration with Neuromatch 3.0

Host: BRAIN Initiative Alliance in Collaboration with Neuromatch 3.0
Start Date: Oct 26, 2020
End Date: Oct 28, 2020
Time: 3:00-4:00pm ET
Location: Virtual

Description: The BIA is hosting a virtual series on Oct 26-28 in collaboration with Neuromatch 3.0 to highlight cutting-edge tools, technology, and theories emerging from the BRAIN Initiative. The event is divided into three 1-hour Zoom webinars to focus on 1) Tools (probes, optics, cellular, molecular) on Oct 26th, 2) Tech (software, hardware) on Oct 27th, and 3) Theory (modeling, computation) on Oct 28th, with trainees integrated in each session. Each session will include five brief talks/demos showcasing new tools, techniques, or theories from BRAIN Initiative toolmakers followed by a moderated discussion with Q/A.

More information: https://www.braininitiative.org/events/sfn-social/